Welcome to TauRIS®
Innovative constellation systems for today's racing pigeon sport!
Connecting your constating system

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TauRIS® WORLD systems
The TauRIS® WORLD terminal is a clocking system capable of recording 1000 pigeons. The TauRIS® WORLD system is the most innovative way to record your pigeons during races and training flights.

TauRIS® compakt XL systems
TauRIS® compakt XL is always up to date. A clocking system which is capable of recording 500 pigeons!
TauRIS® is one of the leading systems for electronic clocking of pigeon racing worldwide. The word TauRIS® is a German acronym for pigeon flight information system.
TauRIS® is one of the leading systems for electronic clocking of pigeon racing worldwide.
As a pioneer and market leader in the field of electronic clocking, we have decades of experience in pigeon racing at our fingertips.
Using our technical expertise and state-of-the-art technologies, we have developed our TauRIS® systems to provide you
with the fastest and simplest clocking methods. Innovative systems are available for both fanciers and Clubs.
Our systems feature a design which is particularly easy to understand and which can be upgraded and individually adapted as required.
TauRIS® GSM set
As soon as your pigeons arrive, an SMS message is transmitted to you with the precise time.

Carrier pigeons become an intangible cultural heritage in Germany
A long tradition is honored The competent expert committee of the German UNESCO commission has appointed the transmission of knowledge and skills in the field

We are here for you!
Corona puts the world on hold! In many countries the trade fairs are cancelled! Nevertheless, we and our dealers are available for you personally by phone and of course also by e-mail!

TauRIS at the pigeon fair in your area!
Many interesting discussions with fanciers from all over the world. Remote Strike and lifespan of terminals were frequent topics of conversation. The pigeon fair season

New TauRIS Software available – More comfort for fanciers!
Easy and comfortable clock release from home, messages about your clocked pigeons and the status of your clocks on your mobile phone as well as

TauRIS is at the Pigeon exibition PigeonMarket in Kassel this year!
Also in this year TauRIS is at the Pigeon exibition PigeonMarket in Kassel from 27.10. – 28.10.2018. We are happy to meet you, talk to