New TauRIS Software available – More comfort for fanciers!

Easy and comfortable clock release from home, messages about your clocked pigeons and the status of your clocks on your mobile phone as well as many more features. All that is possible with the new TauRIS Software! WORLDWIDE! We at TauRIS designed a new software with new, more fascinating possibilities for all fanciers. It builds […]

TauRIS is at the Pigeon exibition PigeonMarket in Kassel this year!

Also in this year TauRIS is at the Pigeon exibition PigeonMarket in Kassel from 27.10. – 28.10.2018. We are happy to meet you, talk to you, inform you about news and to answer potential questions at our TauRIS exibition stand at the pigeon market in Kassel this year! You will find us in hall 3, […]